Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Mazatlan located right on the Pacific Coast of Mexico is the biggest ports that Mexico has. It also has some of the most beautiful beaches yet it really does not get much attention as a tourist resort such as Cabos and Acapulco do. It is located right on the Pacific Coast of Mexico This is because originally Mazatlan started of as a port and is still Mexico's biggest port. Yet Mazatlan is a beautiful place that has very mild weather. In the picture above I immediately notices the spilling breaks up in the front and the huge rip current that is just behind it, caused by the movement of the waves and currents.

In this picture we can appreciate the mild but beautiful swash and backwash that the water makes as it hits the shore and slightly moves to what appears to be from the bottom of the picture to the top of it at a small angel. Leaving beautiful imprints on the sand.

These baby karsts and tombolo caused by water and storm erosion over time, are tourist attractions from where as you can see people cliff dive from into the foamy water.

Captians Cave

This picture shows a beautiful example of a sea cave caused by storm and just erosion over the years. You can find a couple of these in Mazatlan.

Maybe next time you decide to go to Mexico to relax on the beach you will choose the gorgeous beaches of Mazatlan instead of the over flowing beaches of Cabos and Acapulco. While you are there try and enjoy all of the beautiful geography that Mazatlan has to offer.

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